Bilhieg: (Aqeela Saleh) and the Italian ambassador discussed developments in the situation in Libya and the efforts exerted to hold elections.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Aguila Saleh, met in the city of Benghazi on Monday evening, the Ambassador of the Republic of Italy to Libya, Gianluca Alberini, and his accompanying delegation.

A spokesman for the House of Representatives said on his Facebook page today, Tuesday, ((The meeting dealt with developments in the situation in Libya and the efforts made to hold presidential and parliamentary elections to end the Libyan crisis, and the role of the House in adopting a road map to reach elections)) .

During the meeting, “Saleh” affirmed the council’s full support to achieve the will of the Libyans to hold the presidential and parliamentary elections by working to adopt a road map for the next stage and by working on what the 6 + 6 committee reached, achieving consensus on electoral laws, and emphasizing the existence of a unified government in the country whose main task is to hold free and fair elections, according to the same source.

Source: Libyan News Agency