BCCI discusses Brazilian business opportunities

Bahrain Chamber for Commerce and Industry (BCCI)’s Chairman Sameer Nass and the Acting CEO Dr. Abdulla Al Sada held a meeting with a Brazilian delegation spearheaded by Admiral Flavio Rocha, Brazil’s Secretary for Strategic Affairs.

Nass hailed the longstanding relation between Bahrain and Brazil, hailing the outcome of the historic visit of President Jair Bolsonaro to Bahrain in November 2021, and the growing cooperation between both friendly countries in all aspects.

He highlighted the growing trade volume between Bahrain and Brazil, which exceeded $2.2 billion in 2021, noting the keenness of the Bahraini private sector in expanding partnerships with their Brazilian counterparts.

The chairman briefed the delegation on the business environment in Bahrain and advantages to foreign investors, and named renewable energy, food security, ICT, and tourism as prospective areas of business cooperation.

Admiral Flavio Rocha reiterated pride in the strong tie between Bahrain and Brazil.

He pointed to the labor and social security reforms in his country, the updated business law and regulations, and the major development and infrastructure projects the country is witnessing, which encompass invaluable opportunities for foreign investors.

The chamber organized meetings between the Brazilian delegation -comprising companies in the logistics, food and agriculture, industrial, and trade sectors- and their local counterparts.

Source: Bahrain News Agency