Basra Agriculture Department Agrees With The Iranian Province Of Shiraz To Twin Successful Projects

The Director of Agriculture in Basra Governorate, Hadi Hussein Qasim, announced the agreement to twin successful agricultural projects between the Iranian provinces of Shiraz and Basra, and to provide assistance in the operations of modern irrigation technologies.

He told the National Iraqi News Agency / NINA /: “During the visit of the delegation of the Basra government to the Iranian province of Shiraz, we met with the governor of Shiraz, Muhammad Hadi Imaniyeh, the director of international exhibitions, Mohsen Nahawandi, the general director of Shiraz agriculture, Mojtaba Dehqan Yor, and the representative of the religious authority in the province, and many issues of the agricultural sector were discussed. “.

He added: “During the visit, it was agreed to twin successful agricultural projects and to provide assistance by the Iranian side in modern irrigation techniques, and to allocate a pavilion for Iranian agricultural industries to participate in the Basra International Exhibition, which will be held next November.”

He explained that: “It was also agreed to find facilities for the entry of Al-Subaiti fish and to provide assistance to specialists in the process of breeding this type of fish, in addition to implementing training courses for the cadres of the Basra Agriculture Directorate in relation to dairy processing.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency