Bahrain’s support to international counter-trafficking in persons efforts stressed

Manama, Mar. 19 (BNA): Chief Executive Officer of the Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA, Nouf Abdul Rahman Jamsheer, attended the ceremony honoring the participants in the Training of Trainers Programme 2023. The programme was organized by the Labour Market Regulatory Authority’s Regional Centre of Excellence and Capacity Building for Combatting Trafficking in Persons, in cooperation with the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

The event was held over 5 working days (March 12 to 16, 2023), and included representatives from 6 different sectors: criminal justice, public security, medical care, media, airport and ports, and inspection officers at various ministries and relevant government agencies.

The programme, which was overseen by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), is the first basic course organized by the center in Arabic. 27 trainees were trained to identify and respond to cases of trafficking in persons, key concepts and prevailing patterns, legal frameworks, trauma, abuse and victims of trafficking, identification and screening of victims, first aid, as well as working with interpreters.

During the ceremony, Jamsheer underscored the Kingdom of Bahrain’s commitment to developing national cadres and raising their capabilities and skills in the field of identifying the crime of trafficking in persons, mechanisms to assist victims and prevent individuals from becoming potential victims, in addition to supporting the efforts of the international community to address this cross-border crime.

She indicated that the crime of trafficking in persons is one of the most sensitive and major global issues, whose mechanisms and forms are constantly evolving, and require addressing with exceptional effort and high skills. She added that the Kingdom of Bahrain has strengthened the infrastructure of the work environment and efforts aimed at combating all forms of trafficking in persons and exploitation.

Outlining the wide-ranging efforts taken in this respect, Jamsheer outlined that the Kingdom has been keen to build an integrated system of prevention and protection, which includes enhancing the skills of first responders to identify victims of trafficking in persons or potential victims and hone their skills, through the implementation of multiple training programmes organised by LMRA’s Regional Centre of Excellence and Capacity Building for Combatting Trafficking in Persons in cooperation with international and UN organisations, most notably the International Organization for Migration.

In this regard, the LMRA Chief Executive pointed out that qualifying trainers to become supporters of the government’s efforts and ambassadors to spread the culture of combating trafficking in persons is an integral part of these effort.

It is noteworthy that the Regional Center for Excellence, which is the first regional house of expertise and training in the field of combating trafficking in persons in the region, works to provide a pool of certified trainers from practitioners and frontline workers in the field of training in combating trafficking in persons. Procedures are provided that take into account the psychology of the victim, appropriate interventions, in addition to working to build the capacity of target groups from different fields of the first responders who may deal with victims of trafficking in persons or potential victims, in cooperation with a number of experts, specialists and practitioners in this field.

The Training of Trainers programme is one of the Center’s specialised programme, which aims to develop and provide training programmes that are commensurate with the demographic, economic and social fabric.

Source: Bahrain News Agency