Arab Parliament calls for protecting Muslim sanctities

The Arab Parliament (AP) called on international community Thursday to take an immediate and urgent action to halt attacks on the Holy Quran and protect Islamic sanctities.

In a statement, the AP denounced strongly the permission of Sweden’s authorities given to an extremist to burn a copy of the Holy Quran for the second time.

It warned against the danger of provoking feelings of Muslims across the world, calling on Arab countries to sever diplomatic relations with Sweden, boycott its products and not travel to it, the statement said.

The parliament also called for launching an international campaign led by Arab and Muslim countries against Sweden’s products in order to halt these violations, it noted.

In this context, the AP lauded the Iraqi government’s stance on downsizing economic and diplomatic ties with Sweden.

The AP stressed its firm position calling for disseminating tolerance, and peaceful co-existence among religions, and respect of sanctities and rejecting hatred and extremism, according to the statement.

Source: Kuwait News Agency