Arab Parliament calls boycotting Sweden after extremist burns Quran

The Arab Parliament called Thursday for a global political and economic boycott of Sweden in response to its permission to burn the Holy Quran by an extremist. The Speaker of the pan-Arab legislature, Adel Assoumi, denounced the Swedish authorities’ permission for an extremist to burn a copy of the Quran for the second time, according to a parliament statement. Assoumi called on the international community to act “immediately and urgently to stop attacks on the Quran and protect Islamic sanctities,” warning of the danger of spurring “a cycle of violence.” Assoumi called on Arab countries to sever diplomatic relations with Sweden, ban Swedish imports and not travel to it and promote a global economic boycott campaign led by the Arab and Islamic peoples. Assoumi lauded the Iraqi government for severing diplomatic and economic ties with Sweden.

Source: Jordan News Agency