Arab League reiterates calls for end to Israeli occupation “crimes”

The Arab League on Thursday renewed calls for the international community to interfere and put an end to the “crimes” perpetrated by Israeli occupation forces against the Palestinians, warning of severe ramifications if such practices remain unabated.

The talks involving delegates from the Cairo-based bloc urged the United Nations to “freeze” Israel’s membership due to its failure to abide by UN laws and conventions, which throws international peace and security into peril, they said.

They went on to warn of dire consequences if Israeli occupation forces continue to commit acts of “mass genocide” against the Palestinians, lamenting the UN Security Council’s “failure” to implement UN resolution 2735, which also calls for the immediate delivery of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip.

The delegates ramped up pressure on the international community to levy stiff sanctions against the Israeli occupation for their expanding settlements on Palestinian territories, which represent “grave violations” of UN laws an
d conventions, saying such practices seriously “undermine” the prospect of the two-state solution to the Middle East conflict.

The talks went on to acknowledgement recent initiatives by some national and international human rights groups in support of the Palestinians, while condemning those whose actions were seen as favorable towards the Israeli occupation, which allow their aggressive tendencies to persist, they added.

The gathering underlined the “Palestinian Cause” as the core concern of the wider Arab region, saying bloc-wise support for the Palestinians will continue until their statehood aspirations come to fruition, based on 1967 border lines with East Jerusalem as the capital of an independent Palestinian state.

Source: Kuwait News Agency