Arab Group backs negotiations on UN Security Council reform

The Arab Group welcomed the adoption by the UN General Assembly by consensus of a resolution on continuing intergovernmental negotiations on reforming the UN Security Council during the next session.

The step will allow member states to continue working collectively, in order to formulate a common understanding that provides the necessary grounds for reaching a consensual solution that leads to a genuine and comprehensive reform of the Security Council.

Bahrain Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York, in his capacity as coordinator of the Arab Group in New York, delivered a speech in which he focused on the issue of reforming the Security Council after the adoption of the resolution.

He thanked the co-chairs of the intergovernmental negotiations – the permanent representatives of the State of Kuwait and the Republic of Austria – for their fruitful work in facilitating the negotiations during the current session.

The intergovernmental negotiations are the only forum for reaching an agreement on expanding and reforming the Security Council, and seeking a solution that enjoys the widest possible political acceptance, he said.

Although there is a convergence of stances among member states regarding the UN Security Council reform, there is more work to be done in order to bridge views and reduce the gap on many other points, he added. .

He reiterated the Arab group’s stance, which calls for permanent Arab representation with full powers in the category of permanent seats in the event of any future expansion of the Council.

Fair representation requires proportionate Arab representation in the category of non-permanent seats in the expanded Security Council, Ambassador Al Ruwae said.

Source: Bahrain News Agency