Ambassador Phile Fariola assures the Minister of Foreign Affairs that the European Union will continue to support Iraq in various fields

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Fouad Hussein, received today, Sunday, the Ambassador of the European Union, Phile Fariola, on the occasion of the end of his duties in Baghdad.

Minister Hussein praised the qualitative progress in relations with the European Union, stressing the importance of strengthening them in a way that serves common interests, opening prospects for cooperation in various fields, and benefiting from European experiences, expressing his wishes for the Ambassador success in his upcoming diplomatic missions.

For his part, Ambassador Phile Fariola affirmed the European Union’s continued support for Iraq in various fields, especially in the field of reconstruction, expressing his thanks for the facilities provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the success of the work of the European mission in Baghdad.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency