Al-Salihi calls for building a strong Alliance of an influential Turkmen voice in the future of Kirkuk

The Head of the Turkmen bloc in Parliament, Arshad al-Salhi, called for building a strong Alliance for an influential Turkmen voice in the future of Kirkuk, which will be considered a historical responsibility and a decisive entitlement.

He said in a statement, on the occasion of the advent of the date of alliances and the formation of electoral lists, we would like to stress the importance of not repeating the mistakes that occurred in the past parliamentary elections, and we are all in positions of responsibility bear the responsibility of preserving the interests of the Turkmen people and not allowing the loss of their electoral vote.

He stressed the importance of forming a strong alliance and a distinguished list that reflects the hopes and aspirations of our people and carries a clear vision to enhance our rights and our position in the political process. We have to work with dedication and enthusiasm to achieve effective representation of the Turkmen in the Kirkuk Provincial Council, and to guarantee our political rights in a fair and balanced manner.

He stressed the need for national representation to be a witness to the future of Kirkuk Governorate, for which we have always sacrificed our most precious thing, and we are going through a dangerous stage, and it will be difficult for the people to reckon with those who are trying to diminish the Turkmen national cause. We warn them of the consequences of repeating mistakes and invite them to listen to the voice and will of the people.

He said that the Kirkuk Provincial Council elections are capable of determining the fate of Kirkuk, and we are certain that our cohesion and cooperation will contribute to building, progressing and achieving the aspirations of our people.

He concluded by saying, “Let us work in a spirit of unity and solidarity, and let us make our voice heard and achieve our legitimate goals.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency