Al-Manqoush: We look forward to the support of the Gulf Cooperation Council to end the transitional stages in Libya.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Najla Al-Manqoush, expressed Libya’s aspiration for the support of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) in the direction of the Libyan people to end the transitional stages and hold elections.

This came during her meeting with the Secretary-General of the GCC, Jassim Muhammad Al-Budaiwi, on the sidelines of the 32nd Arab Summit of the League of Arab States held in Jeddah, according to the communication office of the Ministry.

Al-Manqoush commended the Gulf’s position and the Saudi initiative to open dialogue with Iran, noting that the Government of National Unity welcomed this step to enhance stability in the region.

The Minister dealt with the most prominent files that she discussed during her official tour to a number of Arab Gulf countries, which preceded the Arab summit. Referring to the directives of the Prime Minister, Abdul Hamid Al-Dabiba, to give importance to the Gulf role in supporting the stability of Libya.

At the end of the meeting, Al-Manqoush invited Al-Budaiwi to visit Libya, within the framework of strengthening brotherly ties and signing cooperation agreements in a number of areas.

Source: Libyan News Agency