A security source reveals the identity of the ISIS leader who was killed in Hawi al-Adhaim in Diyala

Baqubah A security source revealed the identity of the leader who was killed in an airstrike with his companions in Hawi al-Adhaim in Diyala Governorate.

The source told the correspondent of the National Iraqi News Agency / NINA /: “The leader who was killed with his companions in an airstrike in Hawi al-Adhaim is nicknamed / Abu Omar al-Tarazi / and is considered one of the first-line leaders in ISIS cells in the Hamrin and Matabijah areas.”

The Joint Operations Command announced earlier today, Tuesday, that the airstrike carried out by Iraqi F16 aircraft yesterday, Monday, on an ISIS site within the Diyala Operations Command sector, led to the killing of three elements of the terrorist ISIS organization. / End

Source: National Iraqi News Agency